ADT® Authorized Dealer Serving San Antonio & Surrounding Areas

San Antonio Smart Light Bulbs Can Frighten Burglars And Make Your Home More Pleasant

You may not see smart light bulbs as a security system requirement, but practical use of light can scare off your typical intruder. Add the energy-efficient benefits of smart light bulbs in San Antonio, and watch how they will change your home life. With custom activities and remote control through the ADT Control mobile app, you'll be able to view your house in a whole new light.

With smart bulbs linked to your home security system, you get the ability to:

  • Pre-set your smart bulbs to turn on and off at a predetermined time

  • Give rules to your lights to play off of your ADT components

  • Plan personalized scenes with your smart lights and other ADT components

  • Adjust your lights remotely with your home security mobile app

  • Dim lighting levels on any lighting fixture

Lighting with smart bulbs in San Antonio

Improve Energy-Efficiency On Each Lighting Fixture

You install your San Antonio smart bulb as you would any ordinary light bulb. Just screw the smart bulb in and it will pair to your security system. Then you can play with your bulbs through your ADT Command center or mobile app. Fade your lights even if your fixtures aren't on a dimmer switch. Only light one or two bulbs on a multi-bulb fixture. You can even make a lamp turn off automatically when you turn in for the night.

San Antonio Smart Light Bulbs Make Your House More Secure

Light deters burglars, and your smart light bulbs can make it almost impossible to lurk in the darkness. Pre-set your San Antonio smart bulbs to turn on periodically when you're not home, and would-be burglars will think you're hanging out at home. Set your outside lights to come on when your security camera detects motion. Or make it simpler to get to a safe place by letting house lights come on when your fire detector rings.

Get Your San Antonio Smart Light Bulbs With Your San Antonio Security System

Smart bulbs make your house a more secure and more comfortable place to live -- and they are an important item of your San Antonio smart home system. Contact Secure24 Alarm Systems to discover how your ADT system can include smart lights. Just call us at (210) 794-6382 or fill out the form below today.